Thursday, October 14, 2010

High School and the occasional comfort ice cream

You're actually reading this blog even though it's about an awkward girl, who's chubby, has a wide smile and a pig nose not a serious pig nose like Penelope but it's still an oddly shaped nose. Sadly I've changed a lot mentally not physically. I used to be a quiet, polite girl until this year now I really don't care about what people think about me and I'm not so polite anymore, you can even say I'm rebellious (not that it's a good thing). Whatever though people say teen girls are supposed to seem like they're pmsing all the time. I used to want to become a transplant surgeon my grade were basically 80% and up but now I just want to take a break and forget about grades, school and what people think about me. This is freshman year for me it's slightly intimidating. I can get through it though all I need is my comfort Ice cream. So far these are the challenges I've faced.
1. The popular same colour skinny jean wearing girls: These girls were threatening at first. They actually walked in a line with like matching skinny jeans (I thought I was watching a horrible version of mean girls when I first saw them). Well now that a month of school passed I now these girls are actually pretty nice people not biznatches who enjoy making people's lives horrible but still I'm not the best when it comes to socializing so I avoid them (I hate my horrible socializing skills).
2. Let me just say if it is is possible to be dyslectic when it comes to math then I am very well math dyslectic. Wait time out it is possible to be dyslectic when it comes to math.. okay time back in.
3. Home room teacher: My homeroom teacher doesn't like me at all! She says I talk to much and implied that I have "attitude". (I find this sorta ironic though since I have horrible socializing skills). Seriously though my whole class gives her a hard time so I don't think she likes any of us.
4. Pens: I hate pens always have probably always will. Even though I hate these stupid plastic ink filled things from hell teachers still insist on us using them for everything. If you people are wondering why I hate pens so much let me type a couple of reasons.I have horrible handwriting skills and make lots of mistakes, when I use pen I can't erase my mistakes. The type I have at my house smells like black licorice. A kid popped a pen on my desk when I was in grade
6.I popped a pen in my mouth (it burned and tasted like chemicals).
5. Lockers- I personally don't trust lockers or like them. All you need to break into a locker is a crow bar. What if somebody decided to break into my locker one day. They would steal my sixth grade diary. My sixth grade diary is probably the most embarrassing thing I own, scratch that it is the most embarrassing thing I own but for some reason I can't bring myself to throw it out. Here's a little caption from my sixth grade diary.
"You live in a banana cream,
Apple tree,
Chocolate free,
Field with gold and silver
Banana cheese
Apple cream
Hair as hard as a piece of gum"
I know you're probably thinking this girl is freakin deranged but no actually I'm not... or I don't think I am. I actually wanted to be a poet... obviously that's a dream I'll never achieve.
6. Looks: I am now at an age were looks are more important than homework, tests or any other school related activities. If you love your looks you're probably going to go off and do some shit you're going to regret the next morning. If you don't feel up to other peoples standards though you'll become obsessed with changing your appearance.
7. Boys- Do I seriously need to elaborate on this.
8. Changing friends- It sucks when all your friends seem to be changing and your just there like "okay... yeah while you're out with that guy I'll be at home watching Grey's anatomy reruns while eating butterscotch ice cream."
Yeah just one month passed and I already have 8 issues with high school chances are there will be more but like I said before I can make it through this with my comfort ice cream.

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