Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh I completely forgot to explain to you who Penelope is. Basically Penelope suffers from this curse where she has a pig nose, she also has a long streak of bad luck. In the end she obviously falls in love and breaks the curse... as predictable as they come *sigh*.
Today was an interesting day to say the least.. well interesting if you think leaving school before first period because of cramps then spending 30 minutes rolling around in bed thinking your going to die followed by a 2 hour nap is interesting. Anyways while all of this was occurring I was thinking to myself if I'm going to die today this sucks horribly! Why this sucks you ask because I didn't fulfill anything on my bucket list. Now that I told you about my bucket list I might as well tell you what's on it.

My Bucket List
1. Get past my fear of airplanes and go straight to Italy specifically Venice.
2. Meet Wentworth Miller and hear his extremely hot voice without fainting
3. Learn how to rollerblade (yes I know pathetic right I don't know how to Rollerblade)
4. Learn to say hello in 30 languages
5. Break some sort of record
6. Ride in a hot air balloon
7. Go to Valencia, Spain and be apart of the La Tomatina festival
8. Visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa
9. Learn how to create short films
10. Read every single book written by Shakespeare.
11. Have a street named after me
12. Make a difference in at least one person's life
13. Write a New York times best selling novel
14. Start a blog done
15. Create a time capsule that I'll open in 10 years
16. Watch turtles hatch and go into the ocean
17. Find Perry the platypus
18. Save the Siberian Tigers
19. Go to time square on New Year's Eve
20. Go to the highest place I can find and yell at the top of my lungs
21. Lose some baby fat (this should be at the top of my list )
22. Go onto a film set
23. Run a marathon
24. Meet Matthew Gray Gubler and have a very awkward conversation about anything
25. Eat at least 2 weird foreign delicacies
26. Visit a high security prison
27. Go cliff diving (when I overcome my fear of heights)
28. Have a random conversation with a hobo
29. Stop being so antisocial
30. Overcome my fear of heights
31. Throw a pebble down mount everest
32. Release a rat into the girls' washroom at school
33. Meet a person named Bob
34. Go to Mecca
This is obviously just the beginning of my bucket list. It'll grow soon enough. You know what would be an awesome bonus if i met a hobo named bob... that would be the epitome of awesomeness! By the way I really think I'm naturally smart. Considering the fact that I haven't tried to get an 89 average on my report card.

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